sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Metroid Prime Trilogy

Quem nunca ouviu falar no nome Metroid? Arrepiando os gamers desde os tempos de Super Nintendo, a personagem Samus Aran é prestigiada pelos fãs de ação e ficção científica. O sucesso foi tanto que a protagonista da série Metroid resolveu brilhar em outros games de peso, como o tão conhecido Super Smash Bros., de luta.
O assunto, aqui, é justamente isso: relembrar o passado glorioso da franquia e conhecer as novidades de Metroid no Nintendo Wii... Em apenas um título. Metroid Prime Trilogy agrupa Metroid Prime e Metroid Prime 2: Echoes — lançados para GameCube — juntamente com Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, criado exclusivamente para o Wii. Além disso, é possível brincar com o modo multiplayer do segundo game em até quatro jogadores no mesmo console. É mole?

Para quem tem a memória fraca, é interessante saber que o Baixaki Jogos atribuiu a nota 9.0 ao game para Wii. Por qual motivo? Pelo simples fato de que o título explora muito bem os diferencias da plataforma da Nintendo, além de herdar todas as boas características dos títulos antecessores. E, felizmente, isso também ocorre em Trilogy.
Basta jogar os dois primeiros games para perceber que a mudança de ação/plataforma para FPS foi um sucesso. Com visuais e recursos sonoros relativamente simples (mas satisfatórios), esses dois títulos rodam com um desempenho espetacular. A fluidez é uma das melhores características dos três jogos, por mais que o game mais recente seja um pouco mais amplo e envolvente devido às melhorias aplicadas.

Um ótimo conjunto

E, convenhamos, a atmosfera única da saga de Samus é extremamente envolvente. A não ser que o jogador não goste muito de ficção ou tenha alguma fraqueza em relação às cores vibrantes e aos movimentos, é difícil não jogar vários minutos sem interrupções. Em outras palavras, não há motivo para não conferir esta trilogia espetacular.

oque eu gostei!!

O Wii faz jus ao potencial técnico do GameCube... E esbanja desempenho. Os dois primeiros games rodam perfeitamente com o uso do Nunchuk e do Wii Remote. Mesmo contando com uma simplicidade gráfica (ou seja, sem muito polimento ou texturas pesadas), os jogos mostram solidez e não apresentam uma grande quantidade de bugs.
Metendo balaA história, por mais que chateie alguns gamers, é interessante e complexa. A trama acompanha Samus Aran pelos três games de forma extremamente convincente. Não queremos estragar nada, portanto você não encontrará informações sobre o enredo nesta análise. O importante é saber que o gênero FPS combina perfeitamente com o contexto apresentado pelo pessoal da Retro Studios, que se mostrou ótimo no desenvolvimento.
Cativante e desafiador
Quem possui um Nintendo Wii pode se espantar com a atmosfera geral dos três games. Somente o fato de poder perambular pelos cenários livremente faz com que a ação tome conta a praticamente todo o momento. E, quando você começa a encarar a monotonia na hora de superar um determinado desafio, os próprios ambientes mostram que as soluções podem estar mais perto do que você imagina.
Pois Metroid não é apenas ação. Utilizar sabiamente a armadura de Samus para enfrentar o desconhecido é essencial para o sucesso nos games. Quando o assunto é Corruption, isso é ainda mais cobrado do jogador. Por exemplo: não há como vencer determinados inimigos sem usar as armas de forma ampla e eficiente.
Recursos técnicos satisfatórios
Isso já foi mencionado, mas vale a pena ressaltar que tanto os visuais dos três games quanto a ambientação sonora são suficientes para que os gamers — principalmente os fãs de Metroid — possam se sentir imersos na trama. Além disso, a jogabilidade não conta com nenhum grande problema (com a exceção de pequenos bugs, como a dificuldade de abrir certas portas).
Trilogy oferece opções interessantes de configuração de comandos e mudanças na sensibilidade da mira. É difícil criticar qualquer aspecto técnico de maneira mais profunda, visto que o Wii é bem explorado em praticamente todos os sentidos, principalmente no terceiro game.

Como jogar? Basta utilizar o Nunchuk para colocar movimentar Samus, colocar a personagem na forma esférica, utilizar o gancho, investigar/ativar certos objetos e manter a mira fixa em um determinado alvo. Enquanto isso, o Wii Remote é necessário para a mira na tela, disparo de mísseis, alterar o modo de visão de Samus e acessar alguns menus.


Um estranho sentimento de repetitividade
Isso ocorre mais nos dois primeiros títulos do que em Corruption. A própria trilha sonora de Metroid pode entrar em sintonia com as ações um tanto repetitivas dos dois jogos iniciais enquanto o jogador controla Samus pelos diferentes cenários. Os primeiros chefes também não contam com grandes desafios.
Portanto, a alegria é praticamente inevitável quando o gamer encontra uma situação um pouco mais chamativa. Há apenas dois níveis de dificuldade em Trilogy — Normal e Veteran — que, mesmo sendo o necessário para o entretenimento constante, não oferecem grandes empecilhos para os jogadores mais fanáticos.

Quando o caos toma conta...

Pequenos infortúnios
Pois é, ainda é preciso investigar profundamente os ambientes para encontrar pontos nos quais é possível salvar o progresso. Se o jogador começa a experiência pelo primeiro game, a frustração pode chegar facilmente se ocorrer fracasso durante a etapa cronometrada por tempo. Caso o gamer falhe, é necessário começar tudo de novo.
Além disso, cortar as "cutscenes" (cenas de corte, animações) é impossível na maior parte dos casos. Isso, somado ao grande número de diálogos presentes em certas cenas, pode fazer com que alguns jogadores se enervem. Mas nada que faça com que Trilogy não seja uma excelente opção de diversão para os usuários do Wii

quarta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2010

Monster hunter 3 tri

The Monster Hunter series has received interest from many players just so the name means: hunting monsters. Dinosaurs and monsters that resemble the Jurassic era are confronted in intense battles. With this formula, the developers at Capcom had no trouble winning thousands of fans around the globe. Monster Hunter Tri is an exclusive title for the seventh generation console from Nintendo that in addition to staying true to the original proposal of the franchise, has an unbelievable amount of news. All new features - so similar to what happens with the plot and other aspects of the game - are portrayed in a simple, ideal for those with a wii. In reality, the jump was so great that the effect of Tri was thunderous. Different creatures have authentic features and the way they move on the screen is jaw-dropping. It was clear that the staff of Capcom cameos in the level of immersion in the experience with the third title.
The savior of Moga Village You incorporate a charge of aiding the residents of Moga Village, an area plagued by earthquakes and wild creatures. The terrible Lagiacrus is on the loose around the waters and must be faced. Of course, the player at the beginning, has neither the weapons nor the skills to defeat the monster. Tri is a game with many dialogues. If you do not have the patience to understand everything that is happening in an era dominated Jurassic beings and other creatures, will not approve the general plot and style of play. It takes patience, too, to understand the operation of controls in areas ranging from fighting to create a catalog of creatures found on the road. The title of Capcom's account, though, with some interesting features. In addition to the Game Begin modes ("campaign" main), Arena play (fight monsters with online friends) and Gallery (preview extras), there are resources to support the Wii Speak, simplifying the character screen (Quick Load, facilitates the loading data) and setting effects on the screen (Normal, Standard, and Mild, which reduces flashes, blood and other effects).
Anyway, you will see below that Tri is a game vastly robust. The gamer spends several minutes just managing the found items and finding new combinations of different materials. To know more about the creatures also takes time. Even though any time spent in almost any area of the game is enjoyable. Approved
Excellent animations in a beautiful setting Prepare yourself: If you are familiar with the contemplation of purely visual reasonable console from Nintendo, pleasant surprises are coming. The fantastic artwork of this game is viewed through very good graphics, considering the hardware of the Wii. So majestic (with beautiful skies as a backdrop) shine on screen. And it was also done a good job in the retraction of the monsters in these beautiful settings. No matter the size of the creatures, it's amazing the way they are moving through the fields and other surfaces. Beings act and react realistically, no matter how bogus they have the characteristics in relation to what occurred in the Jurassic era of real life. Progressing nonstop Advice: do not use learning to rile with the few flaws the game has, instead, take the time to familiarize yourself with the intense gameplay and the overall structure. The progression is very rewarding. Further, the player realize that any effort to learn to deal with flaws in the combat system and the items on hand is very worthwhile.
To participate in more advanced tasks, it is obvious the greatness of Tri Monster Hunter. The game differs from other games of the genre on the Wii due to both the way in which the works occur on the amount of detail present in the story. This is aside from the entertainment and online extras. Satisfactory in many ways Where to start? The dialogues between characters are rich, even if not sonically portrayed. This "preparation" elevates the excitement to succeed in a particular task, especially when the outcome is the annihilation of a creature of epic proportions. Outside the adventure, everything is accessible. Full menus and dynamic show that the game definitely is not limited. Examples? Well, there is only one control scheme, since the game allows the adventurous choice between a set of commands with double Nunchuk / Remote and Wii Classic Controller (Classic Controller). At certain moments, there is a chance to quickly switch between point on the screen and manipulate the options with the buttons on the Wii Remote. And a setting both The ambience embraces the player so that even the movement of the character changes according to the situation witnessed. The danger is shown by the line between sinister music and a drive most desperate character. Speaking of music, all sounds and tracks that accompanies the action is sensational. If the gamer pause for a moment and pay attention to sounds and music that drive the scenes, the result is curious. Tri, despite the basic problems, plundering in technical quality and that's great for the emergence of a significant result for a promising franchise.
No more fun and challenging Funny enough to be engaging? Without a doubt. Prepare for the fulfillment of goals particularly chilling - to create potions, prepared meats, manage items and shortcuts for using recuperative power - is essential. The gamer must keep an eye on the top bar (vital energy and "stamina", resistance) for success in protracted conflicts. Not to mention that the challenge is present at all times. Find out which monster provides the functionality to the closure of missions is only one of the intriguing aspects presented by Tri.Turn the control to perform different attacks is also interesting for the extermination of monsters more intimidating. Finally, the gamer is constantly "provoked" by the danger. Disapproved
Absence of "lock-on"? Nearly a disaster ... Why "almost"? Well, it's a resource that could significantly improve the playability if applied wisely. Fortunately, you can overcome this problem and overcome the various bugs found.Except that a targeting system could make the enhanced scheme commands a lot more enjoyable, especially if the main character is equipping a weapon in a slow and heavy fighting against a small creature. In the water, even worse. As the gamer must know how to deal both with depth and with the direction of assaults, fighting in water is a storm ... Even more when there's a monster called Lagiacrus - can reduce the energy of the novice hunter in half with one blow - the glue of the character controlled. It's like playing Zelda without having to hold the crosshairs on target.
Visually, the Wii still a game ... It's a game that raises the standards of the Wii? Sure, but can not say that this title might scare users of consoles like PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Basic errors, representing the traditional lack of graphical polish, have been committed. Good examples are the infamous "pop-ins" (abrupt appearance of textures and objects on the screen) and bad interaction between bodies, causing bizarre animations depict an object through another. Jagged edges? A lot. Longer animations can bring frustration to appreciate the game. Repetitive in some respects First things first. Structurally, the most repetitive tasks is in the system. Players who want variety at the outset may be frustrated with the introduction to the tasks that the hunter must meet to advance the plot. Much of the first missions is to acquire resources for the village by killing. Some animations could be more concise and portrayed with greater conviction. It is somewhat boring to watch movements always the same during the collection of different items. The protagonist always performs the same actions while collecting honey from a hive, the bones of the ground or a bush herbs.
More soundtrack? As explained above, the musical ambiance of the game is great but why the developers decided to "save it"? A more frequent reproduction of trails could help a lot in the atmosphere of the game. Okay, chords erupt in decisive hours are excellent, but there could be more songs to serve as a backdrop for scenes more common. Taking into account the quality of the sounds in general can be said that the long hours of the player should be stuffed with even more exciting tracks. Worth it?
Monster Hunter Tri is a game literally monstrous. It's amazing the amount of tasks and opportunities under the various actions (such as creation of weapons and customization of objects) in the game. Reinforcing: hunting monsters in the main mode of play is not the only activity to be performed, if only because there is the opportunity to participate in earnest fighting alongside friends. When you do not understand, has already spent several hours in works against creatures diversified. Since the gameplay is mastered, it's easy to get carried away with missions that take players to exotic places, full of beauty and emotion. The danger is always lurking, considering that monsters can be extremely dangerous reversing roles: hunting becomes the hunter.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

new super mario bros wii

When it comes to action / platform, it is impossible Mario aside. The legacy of the mustachioed fan of lasagna to the world of video games is something just plain scary. Simplicity and practicality are two aspects that shine in titles that focus on the adventures of the plumber.Shigeru Miyamoto's creativity was put to the test, and fortunately, the results were spectacular.
During years of pure fun on consoles like Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64. After that, other titles were created based on the class of Mario, but few bring the nostalgia just as New Super Mario Bros.. Wii brings. The game reinvigorated the "Big N" is a blessing for anyone who owns a console of the seventh generation of the company.

Very similar to New Super Mario Bros.. for Nintendo DS, this game attempts to combine the most salient points in the history of Italian character - both in gameplay and in atmosphere - and present a phenomenal set of protagonists captivating, vibrant scenery and lots, but lots of fun.
Apparently, developers have successfully achieved the goals. The combination of elements was created with skill, making gamers (even newcomers to Mario) feel comfortable with the brilliant (and simple) formula as well known by many. And as the matter is traditional Mario, the Wii offers a more than satisfactory performance.
What's New?
Many. Only the fact that this game inherits several features of various Mario games is enough that players around the globe remain horrified. The famous division of worlds, the plot cliche (yes, the princess is once again in danger), the gameplay spectacular ... All this is back, but in a much more attractive.
At moments, the player must make use of the sensitivity of the Wii Remote motions to succeed. Nintendo cared for the game fit perfectly with the potential of the Nintendo Wii. Who plays New Super Mario Bros.. Wii can see it, but quickly move the control is something that happens to almost all the time for those who like to overcome obstacles with a little more dynamism.
Another item of great importance that impressed gamers and critics even before the launch of the title is the cooperative mode. How about three friends call and try to save a princess in distress in the control of two mushrooms and two errant plumbers? For those who have a basic knowledge of Mario, this is a strong reason to know what this exciting game from Nintendo has to offer.

Things we like

It's Mario!
It is extremely difficult not to marvel at the simplicity of the action. It is not today that the style of gameplay Mario gains the attention of different gamers and critics. This game just brings out the best in the Super Mario series and adds some elements that can gawk those who already have familiarity with the formula.
And what is the secret to such success? Practicality in the commands? The undeniable charm artistic? Well, it's hard to choose just one aspect to be responsible for the resounding impact that generated Italian plumber in the world of video games since the franchise has an impressive amount of strength, for that is simple gameplay.

Besides having a main mode involving eight worlds, plenty of action in perspective side view (the famous "side-scrolling"), New Super Mario Bros.. Wii has other forms of entertainment. Yeah, modes Free-For-All Battle and Coin serve as alternative pathways for those who do not want to spend much time with the progression of the main mode of play.
The Free-For-All allows the player to choose one of the levels released so far (yes, there are some later stages they become available) and try to make the best score with five "lives" initials. Meanwhile, Coin Battle mode makes gamers fighting, the best score based on the amount of coins collected in a given scenario.
Heritages of all predecessors
The similarities with other games that have a distinguished presence of a fan of lasagna are incredible. There are times when you may think you're playing Super Mario 64 instead of New Super Mario Bros.. Wii. "Skip and sit" on enemies and blocks is a combination of movements used in quite so acclaimed Nintendo 64 game. The same goes for collecting red coins and other actions.
The actual interaction with the scenery and the elements present in them bring the nostalgia so inevitable for the fans. Secret passages, sliding platforms, combo points when multiple enemies are defeated consecutive sliding surfaces of ice, poles in late stages (the highest point jump on them and get a life), mushrooms that offer various bonuses, leaving stars characters indestructible for a short period of time blocks "POW" ...
Simple, fun, full e. .. Hilarious!
As much as the dynamics of the gameplay is a bit slower than what is witnessed in a few games of Mario, the game is very rewarding and stirs up the reflexes of the player. For example, with the Propeller Suit or with a group equipped with propellers, Mario is able to glide briefly if the player shake the Wii Remote.
Already a Penguin Suit Mario makes dressing as a penguin, shoot the enemies with snowballs and can dive belly, destroying everything in front. Finally, the various possibilities involving double jumps, jumps with support walls (great for avoiding fatal falls), use of items before the stages (acquired by Power-Up Panels, for example) and creation (and destruction) of ice blocksfully in the water are phenomenal.
Even more compelling
The interaction with the motion sensitivity of the Wii Remote is one of the strengths of the gameplay refreshing. Many sighting systems (as in a Blast-Up, where the gamer controls guns to try to win "lives" extras), for example, are controlled by moving the control.
Some platforms can only be controlled in this way, testing the patience and precision of the player. Even the flowers of environments beyond the interaction with the movements of the Wii Remote. How? The wind can move the plants and produce coins for Mario. It is these details that draw attention of many critics of video games.

Sometimes, it is interesting to adopt the "spirit Sonic" in an attempt to quickly move from stage.However, if you're having problems and this tactic also fails, the game offers a Super Guide - Help guide - which can facilitate the experience.
Some items are very funny. One of the best examples is the mushroom blue, which leaves the tiny characters. Scroll down the settings in the control of players still smaller than normal is something very interesting.
Playing ad nauseam
Goodies New Super Mario Bros.. Wii are well worth it. Discovering the shortcuts of the phases is an activity able to take enough time player. The large amount of Star Coins (special coins, similar to stars in Super Mario 64, remembering that some can only be collected with the aid of items) scattered phases offers very interesting challenges for those who want to completely dominate the gameplay of the title.
Also, watch the Hint Movies - acquired Star Coins - is very good. Small clips not only offer valuable tips to get Star Coins and alternative paths in some levels as stimulate gamers to achieve incredible moves through the exhibition of incredible scenes of cooperative gameplay.
Up to four freaks on the screen
Speaking in a cooperative way ... One of the most expressive of the game is the chance to overcome obstacles along with up to three friends. What do you think of the fight against many different enemies while hallucinating that combines movement with close companions to you?
It is important to emphasize that the use of items in the statement is true for all players checked. In addition, you can escape death during the phases through a command that puts the character into a bubble that can later be blown by a companion. Of course the game does not allow all characters are within the bubble at the same time. If this happens, no "life" is lost, but the stage should be resumed.
In other words, the multiplayer makes it much easier to overcome the steps. Still, the fun is much more intense when a player participates in the action. When four players take the controls, then chaos takes over and the laughter is almost inevitable.
For the visual delight of the fans
The animations show that the game developers for the Wii version cared for the environment and the actions of the characters stay very familiar to fans. Everything has so much quality, even considering the low graphics processing power of the console compared to other platforms in the same generation.
In fact, is the junction between the artwork and expressive style color application that calls the attention of many. Again, it is the simplicity of textures and effects that wins fans. Play a game of Mario is not include detailed charts with advanced technologies, but run and jump in captivating environments.
Setting sound? Phenomenal!
The different musical themes have some interesting variations on the game. It is a pleasure to hear familiar music that inherit chords and sequences of notes from the successes of the plumber. The soundtrack is definitely not lacking.

When it comes to ambiance, the accolades continue. The sounds are clean and well-known formula in the final. Sensational details can be checked by players such as the presence of applause once the gamer makes a spectacular shape (such as acquiring a life through combos points in turn received by the annihilation of opponents).

What amazed the Baixaki Jogos ... In the bad sense

Already the Baixaki Jogos wishes to emphasize that it was really hard to find negative points in New Super Mario Bros.. Wii. The items listed below are generally harmless to the wonderful experience witnessed by fans of the mustachioed. The cons of the game simply does not compare to the excellent level of enjoyment brought about by the developers of Nintendo.
Lack of visual polish?
In reality, this is more a failure of the Nintendo Wii than the game itself. The low resolution makes the console characters and contains many objects with many jagged edges. The artwork and the amazing quality of the animations overcome this, of course, but some say that the Wii is capable of doing a little better than shown in the game.

The application of good "dose" filters "anti-aliasing (jagged edges that correct) would be an interesting possibility to be considered for solving this problem. But, considering that the hardware platform of the "Big N" does not help that the jaggies go away (the larger the TV screen, the pixels will become more visible in low resolution presented), there is plenty to do, is not Really?
Only with the Wii Remote
Many gamers may find that one of the downsides of this title relates to the lack of support for controls such as the Nunchuk and Classic Controller. As for the Nunchuk, it makes little sense to think about creating a slightly more complex gameplay just so that there is use of control attached to the Wii Remote.
Now, the lack of Classic Controller support is something that may disappoint some fans of Mario. There are many people who prefer the use of traditional control to play with the Italian character. The Wii Remote in a horizontal position, it really is not the most comfortable and peripheral anatomy of the planet, but is more than enough to save the princess.
Failures at minimum gameplay
Reasons? Interaction with the movements of the Wii Remote (which may cause "glitches" minimum) and minor bugs interaction between objects on the screen. It's hard to find misfortunes during the experiment due to the simplicity of the controls and gameplay in general, but the BJ was able to find bugs involving handling various items of scenery.
There are times when Mario is not very close to missiles fired by enemies and still suffer damage. On the other hand, the player can witness scenes in which the plumber is practically leaning on certain objects or hostile creatures, but does not suffer any damage. Fortunately, these moments are very, very rare.
You can also dispute the effect of slow motion - slow motion - when the characters get a bonus of a mushroom, for example. This effect can disrupt a player's performance in critical moments of action, especially in multiplayer mode.
No online mode
It's nice to play up to four people on the same island, but would also be interesting to share the fun with gamers from around the globe. Considering the time this game was developed, one would expect an online component would be attached to the successful formula of the gameplay in two dimensions.
Unfortunately, there is no kind of interaction with the web. Much less multiplayer online. As much as many players feel a lack of this feature (ideal for fun with friends over long distances), we can not say that this "failure" to reduce the intensity of the experience with this excellent game of Mario.

Final Evaluation
Worth it?

"Oh." Guaranteed purchase. As much as New Super Mario Bros.. Wii does not explore broadly the innovative potential of the sensitivity of movement of controls as other titles for the Nintendo platform, the experience is spectacular. This is a great opportunity to experience fantastic adventures from securities outstanding in the history of virtual games.

The best is that even those who never heard of Mario, Luigi or Toad (but like action / platform, of course) may be impressed with the level of entertainment generated by the title. The game simply overflows and still requires the player to act with wisdom and speed many times.
Finally, New Super Mario Bros.. Wii is highly recommended for people of all ages. Many people in the Zebra Network participated in the analysis of the area Baixaki Jogos multiplayer game, such diversion afforded by this feature. Carefree entertainment awaits those who, once again (or even the first time), trying to rescue the beloved Mario.